Monday, March 21, 2016

Using God's Natural Gifts

It is Springtime...The blooms are budding, the air is crisp and the sun is shining. A perfect day to go foraging on the property for buds to dry out and make infused oils/essential oils for salves and soaps. I picked a bunch of dandelions and Spanish lavender. I will dry them out and infuse them in oil this coming week or so. There are so many benefits from these buds.....With a bit of research you too can do this...It's not only rewarding but it's fun too. You can use these items in your home for health care or give them as gifts. I found a young homesteader gal in Texas who is into bartering goods. I contacted her with offerings I have. I will be sending her some of my Blue Ribbon Winning Vanilla Bean Pear Preserves, some homemade clove and orange gardener hand soap and homemade Chamomile & Lavender healing salve.

In return she is sending me some cacti embroideries for my daughter and homespun knitted dish cloths. I am excited to do my first barter with someone. I hope to do more...It's a great way to trade with others some wonderful homemade, homespun items that you may not have but can use in your home, visa versa. I will be working on more beauty products, soaps, infusions and even tried my hand at making homemade Bourbon Vanilla extract and Bourbon Mint extract ( I have to wait a couple months to try it!). I used the mint I am growing from my window herb garden. It really brings me joy to be making handmade things for my home and others, What a blessing to be able to use God's natural gifts from your own backyard to make something useful or beautiful.


  1. It is so cool that you're foraging for your own herbs to make into healing or good tasting items. And, I love the idea of bartering your goods for other things. You go, girl!

  2. OMG Mica you never cease to amaze me!
