Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday Teatime~ This Is My Happy Place

Everyone has their "Happy Place" where they feel safe and loved. A place where they can run to, a place of rest and sanctuary. My Happy place is being among my people...My little family, a handful of true, genuine friends, and my home. Outside of that, I am vulnerable. Many of us are. Most importantly my happy place is in the Lord. His word of truth to me, His love, and His promises. That is where I am most happy and safe from the outside world.

I love being home with my people. I love being a wife and a momma. I love to make our home warm and inviting to those we have under our roof. Little things also make me happy...Like baking with my daughter or going to a bookstore or a thrift shop hunting for treasure and little talks and dates with my better half. I love to make things with my hands and just hang out watching a movie. It's pretty simple for me. I am not big on traveling the world, though if the opportunity arose to travel, I would go in a heart beat. But it is home, I like to stay close to. I am comforted by the walls around me just as God comforts me, He gives me this space to run to if and when in need. It is my family, my home and His word where I flee to, knowing I am not being judged or condemned. My safe haven when my heart is crushed by the world. I am happy here and safe here.

So much has happened in just a few short weeks. Things I cannot share here. But things that are real and heart wrenching to say the least, which has given my family the clarity and realization of needing a savior to run to. Through the trials of this life...Find your happy place to be, give all your cares to God and don't ever allow anyone to steal your joy, yet be careful always to guard your heart and be with those you trust with your entire you; people who have your best interest and lifts you up. This world can be ugly...People can be ugly, but you don't have to let it in.
 Take comfort in the good things in your life.
Thank you for joining me for tea. I do hope you have a blessed week. Until next time.
Love, The Freckled Farmgirl

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