Sunday, February 4, 2018

Pride & Prejudice

Well I guess I ended up taking a month long hiatus from the blog. I'm back! Life got a little busy with the plays and things....I figured since I haven't been here for a bit that I'd share the play my daughter was in. She played Lady Catherine De Bourgh in Pride & Prejudice, as well as a background character. The play was really good and I must express to you how awesome my daughter did in her part. In the end she stole the scene...Honestly I think she stole the show...But that my bias opinion. The cast however did an excellent job as it was also directed by a great lady.

I also had the honor of taking pictures of the whole play. There were like 600 pictures...I couldn't share them all here so I chose a handful to give you a lil taste of the show. 

It was great really. Her friends and her boyfriends family came to watch one evening. Of course her boyfriend came to watch and support her on a different night and I forgot my camera to get a picture of them together, Ughhh.

(Also pretty cool the photograph I took for the promo shoot made it in our local paper!)

Sadly my daughter also chose to leave, making this her last play with the group. I think she went out with a bang!!! Sad to see her leave before she finishes her Senior year but I let her make that decision. I can't and won't make her do something she doesn't want to do. Though I did try to encourage her to stay because darn it she is so talented. Now she will be off making plans for her future, getting a job, figuring out things and building her beginnings with her sweet man. 
I guess she is my lil fledgling.

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