Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Road Trip Day 4~ Iowa, Illinois & Indiana

Day 4 of our trip: the last leg was a longggg doozy. Thank God however, our trip was uneventful. Just long and tiring. Missy loved the hotels, they gave us so many pillows...She was in luxury! This ole' girl did awesome in the car traveling so long. 

My favorite part about the trip was the amount of barns and farms we passed by.
 I loved every minute of it! I must admit I like me a good farm view over the beach. LOL....

It was so good to finally get home...
Our new state, our new home and our new church family. There were people waiting outside our new home to welcome us in and took us out for a good meal. We had so much help with painting, unloading and getting settled in. We feel so very loved here.... I knew it from the first time we visited Indiana a few months ago that this was truly the place we were meant to be...
It just took a while to get here. All in the good Lord's timing!


  1. Oh wow...you are so close to me...I live in Illinois just across the border from Indiana...where in Indiana...you can email me if you would rather not put it on here
    pmeade3800@aol.com So excited and happy for you and yes it is a long trip. Jill

  2. Hooray! Lovely photos. So happy for you to land in such a welcoming new community - congratulations!!
    Farmgirl hugs,
